FRI 09/08
Reggy van Bakel
Doors open — 19:30
Start — 20:30
Location — Intro’s pop-up space, Pancratiusstraat 48 HeerlenReggy van Bakel is a name that is not unknown in the world of contemporary music and multi-instrumental percussion. Born in 1989 and trained at the Fontys Conservatory in Tilburg as a classical percussionist, Van Bakel has developed into a musician whose artistic vision extends beyond the traditional music scene.
As a percussionist and multi-instrumentalist, Van Bakel has a preference for the contemporary repertoire, where he often explores the boundaries of music and other art forms. His work is characterized by a great sense of visual spectacle and seamless integration with other disciplines such as theater and visual arts. His compositions are often heard by renowned orchestras and ensembles, both in the Netherlands and internationally, and his contributions are indispensable in various bands and theater productions.
Reggy's versatility is especially reflected in his collaborations with experimental labels such as the Brussels Bonambi Records, where his preference for processing 'found sounds' and field recordings from the city or nature lead to innovative musical expressions. These sounds, often recorded on old-fashioned cassettes and tapes, form the basis of his unique sound world. “Sound in general is an important source of inspiration. For example, I like to edit found sounds and field recordings from the city or nature, I work quite intuitively and I have a great preference for the analogue world of cassettes.”
photography credits: Luc Lodder