ZO - WO 01-04/09


playing dates:
Sunday September 1 | 20:30
Monday September 2 | 20:30
Tuesday September 3 | 20:30
Wednesday September 4 | 20:30

Location — Cortenbach 2, Voerendaal


Vacancy, drug crime and the plight of farmers. How do we deal with that? You see it in Eldorado, a dazzling musical theater piece with the addition of local brass bands, choirs and musicians. A performance for the whole family, played at farm locations.

Life is beautiful and if it's even possible, we'll run after the music. We are all looking for our own Eldorado. The romantic farm life seems to come close to that. But in between we also know more and more other stories about the countryside: the insecurity for farmers, drug labs in barns. What is happening there and what do we care about it? Well. Even look the other way perhaps?

Eldorado is a cheerful play about a farming family that avoids the challenges of contemporary rural life. About the problems of the farmers, about the empty stand that is advancing and the dangers that surprisingly arise. The performance shows – in sometimes hilarious ways – how the underworld and the upper world become intertwined and how close to subversion we are all concerned. With roles for the criminal, the farmer, his family and the government, plus the mayor as a special guest.
Eldorado is an initiative of the Poon Foundation in collaboration with Het Zuidelijk Toneel. A small group of professional actors and a musician play together with amateur musicians from the region.

Eldorado is an initiative of the Poon Foundation in collaboration with Het Zuidelijk Toneel. A small group of professional actors and a musician play together with amateur musicians from the region.

Director: Roel Swanenberg
Text: Wiske Sterringa
Composition: Bart van Dongen, with usage of music by Wim Kerstens and Björn van de Doelen
Cunductor: Vera Hofman
Acting: Björn van de Doelen, Bart Klever, Sarah Jonker, Luuk Jansen, Amy van der Weerden, Hans Sparla
Artistic Advice: Piet Menu
Design Show: Simon Haen
Costumes: Ilse Vermeulen
Sound: Eric van de Lest
Production: Eric van de Lest en Leon Steuns

Coproducers: Gemeente Voerendaal, Cultura Nova, Intro in Situ, PVO Limburg (Platvorm Veilig Ondernemen), RIEC Limburg. Made possible by Rabobank Zuid Limburg Oost.

Special thanks to Hoeve Cortenbach.