VRI 15/11 
Double Bill: Natálie Kulina & Oscar Peters


Café open — 19:30
Start — 20:30

Location — Cellebroederskapel, Cellebroedersstraat 4 Maastricht

Natálie Kulina - The dark corner of my circles
The dark corner of my circles is a performance piece combining aspects of contemporary electro-acoustic music, theatre and visual art. It explores inner monologue and interactions with the outside world. How much of our real self do we show to others? How much do we curate their perception of us? The audience is encouraged to take any form of presence in the room and interact freely with the installation and the performance space.

Violinist/performer Natálie Kulina developed this with composer Amarante Nat, visual artist Naida Amorim and sound designer Arieh Chrem.

Oscar Peters - The AIR Project
The AIR project is a project initiated by composer and sound artist Oscar Peters. As an active musician in contemporary experimental and electronic music, his research and artistic outputs have focused on the unconventional use of pipe organs and their sonic behavior in acoustic spaces. He has designed and created eight of his own experimental organs that have allowed him to further investigate the sonic qualities of these instruments.