What is the first city composer of Heerlen currently working on? Follow the process here! ⛳︎In the early fall I took to the streets and the shaft building of ON1 to make field recordings for a composition commissioned by the Entrepreneurs Fund.
'U bent de Motor' was presented to the entrepreneurs of Heerlen during the lustrum celebration on 29-10 in the Royal.
Our young city poet Yana Wings gave a reading over the city sounds, her text and my soundtrack matched seamlessly without our prior coordination.
Cultura Nova: Hallo Heële
On September 4, 2024, the inaugural performance took place at Cultura Nova.
Hello Heële! captures my first impressions of the city and is the first introduction to the Heerlen people in the audience.
Merci for the warm welcome❤︎⌂
As part of the commemoration 50 years of the closing of the mines on 21-12-2024, I was asked by Nederlands Mijn Museum to contribute to this special performance and provide the soundtrack for it!
For this I used historical recordings from the State Mine Emma (archive Beeld & Geluid) and sound recordings I made in autumn in the Schachtgebouw and at various places in the city.
I was inspired by Wiel Knipa's D'r Lange Jan. For the attentive listener; the melody from the refrain returns as a quote in this new composition “My the Future” (duration: 10 minutes) which forms the finale of the performance. D'r Lange Jan also determined the key of the overall piece. Furthermore, I added piano, beats, drones and synthesizers.
The listener takes a journey from the underground into the working mine with heat and danger. Through the bath room, the water washes you toward a new spring and all that the future will bring Heerlen. The flapping of pigeon wings connects history and future.
On location at the Schachtgebouw, the soundtrack came together with the shaft wheels turning again, an impressive video mapping and performance. Above you can watch the performance in its entirety⇡
Thanks for the collaboration: Nederlands Mijnmuseum, Roos Aerts, Sander van Egmond, Ivo Slaats & Sebastian Meyer.
Sound Map Heerlen
Curious where I made sound recordings in the city? I started a “sound map” of Heerlen on Radio Aporee. Here I will keep adding to my growing collection, you can also add sounds yourself!